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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: AIW

Hi Carl,

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: AIW

Mr. Schwamberger and Mr. O'Boogie:

I am very interested in getting a copy of the the old Avalon Hill "Arab-Israeli Wars" (AIW) game rules of play, charts, etc. Can either of you help me?

I cut my teeth as a wargamer playing Panzer Blitz and Panzer Leader. I have very fond memories of both. But they do have problems. I remember looking at the AIW rules back in the day and thinking them superior to the PB/PL rules. Mr. Schwamberger certainly is making that case in this series of posts. Now after getting away from wargaming and not playing either game for about 30 years, my son has expressed real interest in playing those games with me. Hey, any avenue I can use to open communication with him will be pursued! If the AIW rules help me overcome some of the drawbacks with PB/PL, I think I can really engage my son. If you have the AIW rules, etc, would you mind e-mailing/mailing copies of them to me? Thank you very much for your time. Please contact me directly.

Bob K.