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Old Soldiers Issue 2 Released Christmas Eve

Howdy Ladies and Gents,

Old Soldiers Issue 2 is now available. A preview issue can be viewed at:

This article line up for this issue is:

Great War At Sea: Cruiser Warfare: Japan As A Central Power Page 3
Rudder’s Line Question and Answer Page 12
Panzer Leader in Poland: 10 Scenarios from the Polish Campaign Page 13
“Oddball” is Alive and Well in Panzer Leader Page 35
From The Bunker With the Advanced Tactical System Page 41
Classic Gunfights (Gunslinger) Page 43
The Life and Times of Sheriff Alfred Y. Allee (Gunslinger) Page 43
The Adventures of Robert “Clay” Allison (Gunslinger) Page 45
Readings on Naval Warfare in the Sail Era Page 49

The abbreviated downloadable sample issue contains parts of all of these articles. If you want more, you can contact me to subscribe at

Subscription Rates (when we go to print) are as follows:

US Print Subscriptions $25.00 annually
Canadian Print Subscriptions $25.00 + postage difference
Overseas Subscriptions e-mail only $25.00
Overseas Print Subscriptions (available upon request, price dependent upon postage)
Advertising Space $35 per quarter page (minimum) per issue, $65 per half page
Club Advertising Spaces (1”x 2.25”, 26 characters x 5 lines) $2.00

I’m still looking for columnists for Squad Leader. I’d like to resurrect the old “Squad Leader Clinic” or something rather like it anyway.

Articles covering the following games are slated for the next issue of Old Soldiers, due out in April:

Columbia Game’s Liberty
Avalon Hill’s Arab-Israeli Wars and Jutland

I’d like to begin a column announcing Game Convention information. So, those of you who run or have contacts with such information, feel free to forward such information upon conventions to appear on or after tax day (15 April, 2005).

And as always, I’m happy to receive works from authors and if you need encouragement, remember, all authors have had those “first” article jitters.

Have a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year,
Tom Cundiff,
Old Soldiers Magazine

Old Soldiers' Forum Opens

Howdy All,

Care of "The Armchair General", Old Soldiers now has a forum devoted to the magazine and to the discussion of old wargames and the smaller disenfranchised wargame company's works. The location is:

A few small rules are probably needed, though these ought to be common sense. For one, there are to be absolutely no "Topic Nazis" If someone continues to post out of topic in a specific thread, then it will be noticed by forum administrators. There is to be absolutely no one running around posting nasty grams because they think they've the right to complain about someone being occasionally of topic or having accidentally unknowningly strayed. This is something I will not tolerate.

Also, there is already a forum for modern politics at the Armchair General's site. Use it for that purpose if you feel the need.

The main thrust of the forum is to serve the needs of players seeking to find opponents for old games, seeking to promote the play of older games, seeking to collaborate on articles for old games, or simply to discuss the relative merits of old games. Threads offering old games and their accoutrements for sale are perfectly fine. Indeed we should start one single thread for that purpose.

I'd suggest that individual threads be started for specific games simply indexed by that game's name. No need to get so technical that we stratify games into specific types and era's, a game's title indexes them alphabetically and that serves well enough - works for Grognards it'll work here too. Soon enough, if and when there becomes a great number of games being discussed, the forum operators will collect them into their own sub heading of "Game Discussions".

Anyway, you get the idea. A forum for the use of Old Soldiers has been graciously built for us by our friends at the Armchair General (by the way, whose own publication is top notch).

Have a Happy New Year,
Tom Cundiff
Old Soldiers