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Re: Panzer Leader/Blitz Early War Pieces

A salute to those who did this work. There has been very little on 1939-40 since the 1970s. Hope Old Soldiers succeds in getting these out.

Old Soldiers Thanksgiving Update - Issue 2

Howdy Ladies and Gentlemen, 27 Nov. 2004

It’s been a two months since our first free issue. I thank you all for your support and your praise for that effort. In the intervening time we have picked up a few more subscribers, but not enough to be able to go to print. That target membership for printing is 100 actual (110 indicated – considering the inevitable fall out); our present subscriber list totals 75. We will continue plugging along with free issues via e-mail until we reach our goal. However, the issue made freely available for download will be an abbreviated version. We have more than 500 downloads of the first issue. Of those downloads, no more than half a dozen came from our listed subscribers. In other words there were more than 490 deadbeats out there who were more than happy to receive a free issue, but don’t wish to commit themselves to a subscription. So, we’re going to present to them for free download only a partial issue in the hopes that if they really want the entire thing they’ll subscribe.

The coming issue of Old Soldiers (Vol. 1. No. 2) is on track with 40 of its 52 pages laid out. A coming attraction is the institution of a new game column. With the growing popularity of the Advanced Tactical System (Tobruk) by Critical Hit, Dennis Beauchamp begins a column that will mimic the old Squad Leader Clinic in purpose. The ATS column is tentatively titled “From The Bunker With the Advanced Tactical System (ATS)”. Hopefully it will do for ATS what the old Clinic accomplished for SL. If there are other suggestions (backed by authors) out there for similar columns, let me know, I always found such columns helpful, especially tactically.

The article line up for this second issue (so far) is as follows:

Great War At Sea: Cruiser Warfare: Japan As A Central Power by Alan Arvold
Rudder’s Line Question and Answer by Ray Tapio
Panzer Leader in Poland: 10 Scenarios from the Polish Campaign by Gilbert Garza
“Oddball” is Alive and Well in Panzer Leader by Tom Cundiff

As always, feel free to contact me with any questions. To subscribe, just drop a note to this address , and I’ll add you to the subscriber’s list.

Happy Thanksgiving,

Tom Cundiff
Old Soldiers Magazine
US Print Subscriptions $25.00 annually
Canadian Print Subscriptions $25.00 + postage difference
Overseas Subscriptions e-mail only $25.00
Overseas Print Subscriptions (available upon request, price dependent upon postage)
Advertising Space $35 per quarter page (minimum) per issue, $65 per half page
Club Advertising Spaces (1”x 2.25”, 26 characters x 5 lines) $2.00