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Old Soldiers FIRST ISSUE Vol. 1 No. 1

Howdy Ladies and Gents,

This week has seen the end of “The Boardgamer” to which I pay homage and respect for a job well done and for Bruce Monnin’s dedication to the hobby. This week has also seen the first issue of “Old Soldiers” published. You may download it at this address:

I hope you enjoy it. You will find an “Index” on the last page to help you find the individual articles. The magazine is in MSWord.doc format. Each page is individual for a purpose. The first printers I obtained a quote from said it was easier for their DTP software for them to have the pages that way. They could use “select all/copy/paste” directly into their page set up software this way. If it had been one file with multiple pages then they’d have to work to separate the pages, so it was set up to be easier for them. Also, for those who are pdf adherents, I don’t like Adobe products. The quality of the resultant work is poor. Format is lost, font is lost, it simply looks cheesy to me, besides which Adobe products don’t work on my computer. I have factory installed Acrobat 6.0 and Photoshop, and neither work beyond about 15% of advertised capability. So, pdf is out. IF this goes to print, it won’t matter anyway as you will not see files anyway, except that is for the European subscribers who have requested electronic format to save on money.

Feel free to post the link to this issue on your favorite forums. The purpose of this issue is multifold. One purpose is to provide a showcase for the quality of work to be found in Old Soldiers. The second purpose is to provide a means of advertising Old Soldiers to the “uninitiated” hopeful that it brings us to the magic 100 subscribers level so we can go to print. So, feel free to post the link to any place you think might fit the purpose of reaching more subscribers.

To our authors I offer my Thanks for the hard work you put into the articles.

US Print Subscriptions $25.00 annually
Canadian Print Subscriptions $25.00 + postage difference
Overseas Subscriptions e-mail only $25.00
Overseas Print Subscriptions (available upon request, price dependent upon postage)
Advertising Space $35 per quarter page (minimum) per issue, $65 per half page
Club Advertising Spaces (1”x 2.25”, 26 characters x 5 lines) $2.00

Take Care,
Tom Cundiff
Old Soldiers Magazine