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Old Soldiers Update 18 Sept. 2004

Howdy Ladies & Gents,

We’ve reached 65+ subscriber. Remember, we need a minimum of 110 to go to print, so we’ve a ways to go yet. So, keep up the pressure on your friends and do your best to get the word out to your favorite gaming groups/forums.

The First Issue is growing. There are now 7 articles written and laid out. Thirty Five pages of the 52 allotted are completed. The articles so far are:

Advantages of Interior Sea Lanes in Conquistador (AH) By: Forest Cole
The Fabric of Belgian Skies: Scenarios for the Airforce/Dauntless System (Battleline/AH) By: Tom Cundiff, Mike Rowles, & Colin Lynch
Variant Rules For Panzer ’44 (SPI’s) By: Steven Bucey
A Change of Scenery in B-17 Queen of the Skies (AH) By Steve Dixon
The Sequence of “The Draw”: Ordering The Card Draw in Gunslinger (AH) By Tom Cundiff and Ruben Rigillo
The Defense Of Rorke’s Drift : Errata : Sept/2004 (3W) By Peter Bertram (Designer of Rorke’s Drift)
Rules Clarifications For Dune 2nd Edition (Descartes Games/AH) By Alan Arvold

Author’s we need to fill at least 17 more pages. So, I need more articles to complete this first issue. Furthermore, we need to begin building a stock of articles for future issues. Authors are what drive a magazine.

I continue to be amazed that from all of the well wishes and support from the various wargame companies I’ve received not a single one has taken advantage of the offer for free advertising to place a single add. It’s not often that something free is offered to a company, especially advertising space. I’d have thought the game companies out there would have been quick to jump on a free opportunity.

Well, that’s enough for now.

Take Care,
Tom Cundiff
Old Soldiers Magazine