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Old Soldiers Update 11 Sept. 2004 (continued)

Well, keep up the good work, and do your best to get the word out about Old Soldiers. This month’s main focus is the publishing of our first free issue. So, authors please make a concerted effort to put fingers to keyboards and bang out those articles. I’d like to have them before the 25th so I can have them laid out and ready for transmission to the readership by the 30th. The size of the magazine’s first issue is running to about 3.5 mb in it’s first 15 pages, so extrapolating the total size of the first issue will probably run to about 12 mb. So, I may take advantage of Jonathan Arnold’s “” page to post the first issue for free download sending you only the link to those pages. This will beat receiving a 12 mb download in your mail box (which of course many of you would be unable to receive because most mail boxes are limited to a 1 to 10 mb per mailing download limit). Anyway, I am hoping to receive more articles quickly, not only for this issue, but to begin to build a stock of articles for future issues.
I’ll keep you all informed of future progress.

Take Care,
Tom Cundiff
Old Soldiers Magazine

Old Soldiers Update 18 Sept. 2004

Howdy Ladies & Gents,

We’ve reached 65+ subscriber. Remember, we need a minimum of 110 to go to print, so we’ve a ways to go yet. So, keep up the pressure on your friends and do your best to get the word out to your favorite gaming groups/forums.

The First Issue is growing. There are now 7 articles written and laid out. Thirty Five pages of the 52 allotted are completed. The articles so far are:

Advantages of Interior Sea Lanes in Conquistador (AH) By: Forest Cole
The Fabric of Belgian Skies: Scenarios for the Airforce/Dauntless System (Battleline/AH) By: Tom Cundiff, Mike Rowles, & Colin Lynch
Variant Rules For Panzer ’44 (SPI’s) By: Steven Bucey
A Change of Scenery in B-17 Queen of the Skies (AH) By Steve Dixon
The Sequence of “The Draw”: Ordering The Card Draw in Gunslinger (AH) By Tom Cundiff and Ruben Rigillo
The Defense Of Rorke’s Drift : Errata : Sept/2004 (3W) By Peter Bertram (Designer of Rorke’s Drift)
Rules Clarifications For Dune 2nd Edition (Descartes Games/AH) By Alan Arvold

Author’s we need to fill at least 17 more pages. So, I need more articles to complete this first issue. Furthermore, we need to begin building a stock of articles for future issues. Authors are what drive a magazine.

I continue to be amazed that from all of the well wishes and support from the various wargame companies I’ve received not a single one has taken advantage of the offer for free advertising to place a single add. It’s not often that something free is offered to a company, especially advertising space. I’d have thought the game companies out there would have been quick to jump on a free opportunity.

Well, that’s enough for now.

Take Care,
Tom Cundiff
Old Soldiers Magazine