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Getting Started w/ PZ

Hello PZ/PL fans. After a long time playing computer wargames I have come back to my first love (Panzer Blitz and Squad Leader). I would enjoy playing someone via the net. Can someone tell me the most efficient process by which I can play PB on the net via PBEM or direct online. I am a little familiar with VASL but not how it applies to PZ.

Anyone who has played PZ on the web and is having no problems I would appreciate the advice so I can be battling with good ol' PZ again.

Thanks Rob

Re: Getting Started w/ PZ

The VASSAL game engine is the best way to play online.

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Hello PZ/PL fans. After a long time playing computer wargames I have come back to my first love (Panzer Blitz and Squad Leader). I would enjoy playing someone via the net. Can someone tell me the most efficient process by which I can play PB on the net via PBEM or direct online. I am a little familiar with VASL but not how it applies to PZ.

Anyone who has played PZ on the web and is having no problems I would appreciate the advice so I can be battling with good ol' PZ again.

Thanks Rob