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Re: Need a copy of the rules...

Can someone please send me a copy of the rules? I have the game but the rulebook is missing. If you have to mail it, give me your e-mail, I don't want to post my address on the web.

Re: Need a copy of the rules...

Well, can anyone scan me a copy of the rules. My parents won't let me give out my address for mailing. I swear I won't post them on the internet, and if you need me to, I can scan any of the pieces (except for the rulebook and campaign booklet), in any order or whatever(if you want to think up some combination of parts of the game) for proof that I have the game. So if someone could please get me a scanned copy of the rules I would GREATLY appreciate it. Thanks!

Re: Re: Need a copy of the rules...

under construction ok please be patient!!