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panzerblitz rulebook

i was looking thru my dads old stuff and found panzer blitz maybe 5 years ago. i became drawn to the game and took it with me to study it better. once home i searched to no avail for the rulebook and was forced to make up my own rules using only the box and a page left from the rules. then i was browsing the net and came upon THIS!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. ayways i was hoping if there was anywhere other than mail for me to find or glance at a copy of the rulebook....maybe online????

Re: panzerblitz rulebook

best bet is to buy a copy of the game on eBay for $5-$10. 2d best, give me your postal address. I'll send a photocopy.

Re: Re: panzerblitz rulebook

could you email it?

Re: panzerblitz rulebook

LOL they all say that!!!

Why don't you say the truth?

Re: Re: panzerblitz rulebook

that is the truth

Re: Re: Re: panzerblitz rulebook

Under construction please be patient ok!!