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Kursk Macro Match Chat Session


Jason(Jurgen) Wittman is trying to get a macro match started. Some of
you may have noticed the briefings that Jason has posted on the
panzerblitz yahoo group.

I am trying to help this along and to drum up activity and interest
in playing PanzerBlitz and Panzer Leader via the Vassal gaming engine
( I have found the PanzerBlitz/PanzerLeader
module that Dennis Jorgenson is maintaining as a great tool for me to
regenerate my interest in these great games as well as make new

Jason is proposing the start of a Kursk macro game. To help the ball
get rolling, we are proposing that all interested parties meet on the
Vassal server (using Vassal engine 1.2 or higher - 1.2.3 is the
current version) and the PanzerBlitz PanzerLeader mod file (3.01 is
the current version that is available for download).

All those that are interested, please join the chat session on
Tuesday evening (10/7) at 8:30 Central time. The name of the game
room will be "Kursk".

Come and join in the discussion and let's see if we can get this
macro match going.

Tom Cooper

Re: Kursk Macro Match Chat Session

I am currently overbooked, but would recommend this to anyone with the time.

Carl S