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Why cant SGC verify coverage?

Whats the point with these jokers. We called in a repair and got a fax with XXXXX s for a "referral" number. I finally called to see what the deal was and get the news that there is no coverage for that vehicle. You win SGC. With your unconsionable rates and inability to complete a simple task - Im finally off of your stupid pacifier. Take all of your crap work and stick with Hal's pencil.

Re: Why cant SGC verify coverage?

You are not alone!! We deal with this ALL THE TIME. Already had 2 jobs just this morning that had to be "manually verified" thru SGC. Of course all of this is after the policyholder has been on the phone 15 minutes and given all their vital statistics 2 or 3 times!

Worst thing is, last week the regional manager from this ins. co. called and had the nerve to tell us to "defend the TPA" instead of explaining to customers what was going on. So now ALL OF US are expected to DEFEND SGC when they can't do their job.

But hope is on the horizon everyone. This cannot continue like it has been.

Re: Why cant SGC verify coverage?

I had a Farmers agent call one in today on his wife's car. The SGC rep couldn't verify coverage. I've been waiting all day to receive a fax showing the referal number on it!
It will look real good calling the agent in the morning to tell him that SGC has yet to verify coverage.

Re: Why cant SGC verify coverage?

Because they DON"T want to verify coverage for YOU

Re: Why cant SGC verify coverage?

Call the agent to verify coverage, then tell them you are trying to take care of "their" customer ASAP but Safelite couldn't verify it at this time. Oh... and get the agent to send you something in wrighting that confirms it. I did a job several years ago for SGC, over 1000.00, they couldn't verify then either, I called the agent who said "SURE" he has coverage! He was just in the other day to pay us. Then we did the job. Called back to SGC then they told us he had no coverage. Called back to the agent to ask what the deal was. Then the agent said,"OH! He has full coverage on everything BUT that one"!! Sorry! 2 years later and still hasen't been payed off. GET IT IN WRITING!!!

Re: Why cant SGC verify coverage?

Glasswoman - Call back into Farmers Help Point and ask them to transfer you to the re-key dept. They'll ask for the referral # and manually verify it for you, it won't take long at all. It's something that we shouldn't have to do, but it is what it is. Hope this helps.

Re: Why cant SGC verify coverage?

make sure you ask the re-key CSR if they work for Farmers or SGC.

Re: Why cant SGC verify coverage?

For the life of me, I cannot understand the continued controversy in re dealing with the Safelite network.

Rampant steering, obfuscation, outright lies, sins of commission and sins of omission are merely the tip of the iceberg with that outfit.

To expect anything else after more than a decade of their transparent excesses is tantamount to also expect one will win the Power Ball lottery after the next drawing and so: why the surprise?

Don't blame the CSRs. They know as much about about our business as I know about repairing pin ball machines. They do what they are told and know not how ignorant they are in doing so.

I notice other topics where threads unravel and some contributors are waiting for Belron to save the industry. Fat chance. Why do you think that they bought Safelite in the first place? Take a good look at Belron's past history. In comparison, it makes Standard Oil look like esteemed guests at the Last Supper.

Belron's predatory business practices are worse than Safelite if that is possible. I could be wrong but Belron salivated for the NETWORK and NOT the company.

If that bodes good intentions to jack up prices to afford a reasonable margin, many people in our business need a serious reality check.

My suggestion would be to officially remove one's company from that network sooner than later and the sooner the better.

I'm not going to start a separate topic intended to list the many ways that one can successfully circumvent or go through Safelite. That information and those techniques are available to anyone who knows how to google or dig deeper than a one inch surface.

But, I WILL contribute my two cents worth toward those suggestions and might even learn some excellent suggestions in the process of reading other contributed threads.

In the meantime, why complain about a network that you voluntarily belong to? You only make Safelite look stronger to the insurance companies than they really are.

Ask yourself what would happen if EVERY independent cancelled their contracts with Safelite tomorrow.

Think about it.

Re: Why cant SGC verify coverage?

would they even notice? the only time their network seems important is when they are telling insurance companies how extensive it is.

How many "Referrals" have you gotten from them for previously unknown customers? Even if you are a network member, you probably have had more who would have preferred you that were steered elsewhere...

Re: Why cant SGC verify coverage?

SGC does bill their "network" as everything the insurers want.

COVERAGE is one of the largest needs for the ins. co. You here it all the time. From Bob Bischoff addressing AGRSS members, to the regional glass manager we are doing a windshield for tomorrow, they all LUST for COVERAGE.

SGC promises them coverage and anything else they want to hear. They provide coverage either with their own locations or the "10,000 network locations" they have told this manager about. WE ALL FEED THIS MACHINE. SGC cannot possible exist without independants, and yet we (most of us) keep feeding the machine.

The funniest thing is, many in the insurance industry can't stand SGC either, but what are they going to do? There is little alternatives for them. And let's face it SGC is the master marketer. LYNX can't compete on price, marketing, or coverage based on what two glass claim managers have told us. Sad, but true. And that doesn't count the "wining and dining" that takes place as well.

The manager we are doing work for tomorrow, well, the first thing he wanted to know was that we WOULD NOT be using SGC glass, which is what he has in the vehicle currently.

So hang in their everyone. Not everyone likes SGC in the insurance industry. Some just have to deal with it at present for various reasons. But things are changing!

Re: Why cant SGC verify coverage?

Well, if he's got SGC glass in it now, be sure to show him the 'plunge' marks and rust pockets on the auto. Also, explain the rust removal and prevention steps you'll then have to perform and how tough it is for insurance companies to compensate for the activity. SHOW HIM EVERYTHING!!!

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