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Warranty? How Long? How can you tell you are the last installer?

What kind of warranty should you offer customers? Lifetime or One year? When you do offer a warranty, How can you tell that you were the last one to install that glass?

Re: Warranty? How Long? How can you tell you are the last installer?

hmmm...good point about the last installation

When I used to work @ Diamond people would call in warranties on cars done 4 and 5 years ago. What are the chances of having a problem after so much time has passed?

I could understand maybe a molding coming loose, but a leak or air noise after 5 years?

I always had a sneaky suspicion that somebody else had been messing with the car. I responded to one at a local dealership one time that had an SGC glass in it! Had to tell 'em it had been changed again and was no longer under warranty.

Very good food for thought. I always make a note of the brand of glass that went into the car...I think I'll put that to use and add "OR UNTIL THE WINDSHIELD IS REPLACED AGAIN" to my warranty statement on my receipts.

Re: Warranty? How Long? How can you tell you are the last installer?

HMMM someone with the same name as me! Almost! Let's not confuse the audience

Re: Warranty? How Long? How can you tell you are the last installer?

Yeah really.

Webmaster...anything you can do about locking in our screennames so others can't use them?

Re: Warranty? How Long? How can you tell you are the last installer?

always record the DOT # on your invoice, it would be a big coincidence if it happened to have the same DOT. even if it was, say, ppg. of course i do every w/s myself so i can usually tell my work.
we do a lifetime warranty on parts and workmanship. if there is a problem it generally pops up within the first 6 months at most. i have thought that since no other repair industry offers this, we shouldn't but i am confident in my work and materials so it isn't a big problem. i usually only have 1-2 warranties a year.
on chip repairs i offer 6 months, with money back towards a w/s if it breaks in that time. to date i have not had to do this. when i am at the repair if it doesn't turn out well i don't charge them, but that is rare.

Re: Warranty? How Long? How can you tell you are the last installer?

I like the repair warranty BQA. How do you word it on your invoices?

I do the same with chip repairs...if it doesn't turn out well I don't charge. Same with the guarantee as well...I guarantee it against the windshield refunds unless they have moved or something and I am not able to service them.

Re: Warranty? How Long? How can you tell you are the last installer?

I offer a 30 day satisfaction guarentee on repairs...lfetime as long as they own the vehical against the crack running out. The warranty is basically the price of the replacement less the cost of repair. I always wait at least 2 weeks before I bill out any referal repairs.

On glass replacements, its lifetime for as long as the customer owns the vehical against leaks and manufacturing defects in the glass. If they move out of state, I will find someone in their state of residence to get them taken care of. I hate doing this since so many cars now have sun roofs with weep holes that get clog'd up, but it is what it is.

I wish I could tell them my work is so good they need no warranty (insert sarcasm here) but I dont think that would fly...LoL

Re: Warranty? How Long? How can you tell you are the last installer?

This forum does not have that capability. The tech forum does. I get grumbles about those phpBB forums though. People seem to think its too much trouble to enter a username and email address but yet they have no problem posting a novella in the forum. I don't get it.

Re: Warranty? How Long? How can you tell you are the last installer?

On the marketing side, I would recommend offering a lifetime warranty. Even though you might have to do the occasional reseal, it will keep customers coming back to you instead of the competition. I'm sure you can justify the minimal cost of doing a reseal to ensure that the customer will come back on all jobs in the future.

Always note the DOT # as well as the tint and shade on your invoices (including the copy you give to your customer).

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