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Chrysler 48hr hold time info needed ASAP

I am looking for any information on Chrysler requesting the car sits for 48 hours after an install.

I picked up something on the which is the Auto Body board of RI. It looks like the board is looking to make a regulation that when ever you replace a Chrysler windshield it stays out of service for 48 hours.

Can someone forward me this documentation?

Re: Chrysler 48hr hold time info needed ASAP

Check out the owners manual.
If I recall correctly there was some information in the owners manual about leaving the car stationary after a stationary bonded glass was replaced, this would include putting the thing on a lift. The reason was that until the adhesive fully cured the structure of the vehicle would bow in the middle if put on a 4 point lift.

Re: Chrysler 48hr hold time info needed ASAP

I also understand that they are looking to regulate the type of urethane you can use on Chrysler vehicles too.

Re: Chrysler 48hr hold time info needed ASAP

SB, what type might that be?

Re: Chrysler 48hr hold time info needed ASAP

I don't know, I am trying to find out more info..

Re: Chrysler 48hr hold time info needed ASAP

Okay, thanks, that would be invaluable information.

Re: Chrysler 48hr hold time info needed ASAP

what kinda crap-olla are they making if the car is going to bow in the middle after a replacement?!?!?! This is pretty serious stuff... Is it April 1st or what?

Re: Chrysler 48hr hold time info needed ASAP

No this is not crap-olla. If the bond is not fully cured the structure of the vehicle is not up to specs. Look at it this way, when you are bonding the glass to the vehicle you are "welding it", like other body panels.
If you remove a structure panel and do not secure it properly the whole unit (car) will fail. Each of the parts rely on one another for structural strength, one weak link=failure.
If hack master slim and his brother gimme the knife think they know better than the engineers that design the vehicles then why aren't they designing cars!

Re: Chrysler 48hr hold time info needed ASAP

What i dont understand is how they are allowed to "design" any car that would be so weak that the "designers" are relying on something so fragile such as glass and it's bond to the car for any of the structural strength of an object that everyone climbs into and runs down the road at speeds from 40 to85 mph. Yes , i know that glass has some wonderful properties to it and it is strong in those areas. But I dont see skyscraper designers "designning" buildings useing glass for I beams! The "AUTO" mfg. should be held accountable for letting this happen. Do they think that they will sell a car and that the glass will "never" be broken? COME ON?!
Sorry for that sounding like a rant.I'm just getting tired of people "not" taking personal responsibility for anything they do or make!

Re: Chrysler 48hr hold time info needed ASAP


Re: Chrysler 48hr hold time info needed ASAP

They should be done on a flat surface and left for the bond to fully cure. What is the problem with that.
Once cured have your way with with the car.
Same thing can be said about poor or weakend weld joints.
We are specialized body panel replacers, we are specialized in the art of bonding two differant materials, glass and metal.

Re: Chrysler 48hr hold time info needed ASAP

Just because you guys/gals think so does not make it right

Re: Chrysler 48hr hold time info needed ASAP


What I'm saying is that most cars and/or trucks built after 1973 and probaly even after 1968 shouldn't even be on the road! They are built out of crap! They are unsafe! They are not built with the customers safty in mind. Let the "insurance" companies all get together and jump on their band wagons and fix the "safty" problems from the ground up! Start with the "design" of the car and go from there! Like that's gonna happen.

Re: Chrysler 48hr hold time info needed ASAP

Not to start an arguement Noah, but the early model chrysler Imperial was one of the toughest cars ever made. Granted todays cars are built with alot more safety devises and are made to absorb the impact in a collision. But I think I would rather be in a 68 to 73 model full size car in a major collision than alot of the cars today. Just go and watch a demolition derby, OLD IRON RULES! The chrysler Imperials, early models, are in most derby's banned, because they are soooo tough! Just another perspective! The guys who love to crash cars would definitely disagree with some of what you said, and those 68 to 73 models are getting tougher to find because they love to crash them. like I said, not to start an argument, but, SOME of those cars where built stronger than they are today!

Re: Chrysler 48hr hold time info needed ASAP

That is what I am saying! The older cars "were" built with some tough stuff. They weren't relying on the glass to do double duty, body panel/ a way to look out to see where you are driving. The glass was to see out of and not for the strength of the car. For the demoderby cars you have to have "ALL" the glass out befor they let you run in most places. I have cut out all the glass for several guys and girls just to meet the regs so they could run.

Re: Chrysler 48hr hold time info needed ASAP

Did a 52 Buick w/s 2 weeks ago. You could STAND on the hood and it wouldn't flex

Re: Chrysler 48hr hold time info needed ASAP


I beg to differ. If the car has to sit for 48 hours why wouldn't I do the vehicle at the home and tell them to not to drive it ? Why would I want to tie up all the space in my shops?

Re: Chrysler 48hr hold time info needed ASAP

Those were "frame rail cars" not unibodies.
Not the same thing.
Unibody cars are designed to save lives.
Not make it easy for a glass installer to install glass.

Re: Chrysler 48hr hold time info needed ASAP

I just spoke with one of my chrysler dealership accounts and they know of no extended time beyond the urethane manufacter's allowed sdat.
That said, have a nice weekend.

Re: Chrysler 48hr hold time info needed ASAP

Sorry Noah, when I read that this morning I was pretty busy and read it wrong, Brain pharts. I work with alot of demo guys,, and run 6 shows this summer!!!!But sorry I read your post backwards!!! one of those kinda days!!!

Re: Chrysler 48hr hold time info needed ASAP

LOL! I hear ya on the brain farts XXX. I have them several times a day. No harm, no foul.

Re: Chrysler 48hr hold time info needed ASAP

I am actually shocked to hear that there are so many of you are surprised to hear that the glass in todays cars are a very major part of the structual integrity of the vehicle! This is not new by any stretch! If the vehicle has urethane the glass is important and should not be taken lightly. As far as a 48hr wait time to my knowledge there is no such thing. I agree with the theory, but 48hrs means nothing it all has to do with the type of urethane, temp, humidity, and so on. There is not a vehicle to my knowlege that has to sit for more than one hour if above 0 degrees if using Beta One. As far as asking the dealership they don't really have an answer for that because they don't know what urethane you are using, or do they have a clue of the process. If they did they wouldn't call us.

Re: Chrysler 48hr hold time info needed ASAP

good point, i tried unsuccessfully to get that point across in an earlier thread. if you can't use the car normally at the SDAT, then should the customer be driving the car?

Re: Chrysler 48hr hold time info needed ASAP

What is the difference between a chrysler and a ford or chevy then? we all know how vehicals depend on the glass and glue for structural integrity, we all should understand drive away times, and we all know how corrosion can weaken the bond. How about the primer failure on soooo many mopar vehicals...

I've been installing for more than a decade and I can't think of a single problem with one of my installations that could be related to this. As serious as this is, has anyone else? I do believe it could be a real problem... I just can't believe it... know what I mean? Makes ya wonder what's next!?!?!?!?!

Re: Chrysler 48hr hold time info needed ASAP

I am not sure if this will help much. The answer I have gotten is for drive away go off of your adhesive's manufacters recomendation, but if there are any unusual circumstances such as body work, going up on a lift, or even jacking up one side then use what ever the auto manufacters recomendation is. Sorry I could not get a more exact answer.

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