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Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

I hope so!!

You guys need to start making a Southwestern Virginia run from your Greensboro store!! I need a good supplier for XYG and FYG parts!!! You'd have ALOT of customers on that run!!!

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

They need to come to texas.

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

hey ninja
if you dont have a mygrant or a pilkington does that mean you have to buy from ppg?
(perpetual price gougers)

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

The two suppliers in my area are PPG or Old Dominion Glass. OD is the supplier I normally buy from except when they either don't have a part or PPG beats them in price.

PPG seems to smoke OD on the top 100 know your 1256s, 1217s, 120s...that kind of thing. When I say smoke I mean smoke...we're talking a minimum $10 price difference.

Now anything outside of the popular parts I buy from OD because they are at least competitive with if not less then PPG.

The biggest reason I would like to see Mygrant make a nightly run to this area is because they stock FYG and XYG parts for just about everything. This could potentially save me alot of $$$ and so much of PPGs and ODs stock is chinese anyways it really doesn't make much of a difference quality wise.

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

A couple of years ago you would have been tared and feathered and burned at the stake for a post like this. They have come a long way in quality in a few years.

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

I hear ya Lee. I never thought I'd actually say it much less be looking for Chinese parts.

But, half of what ppg has is chinese now anyways...and its junk. FYG is better then PPG China.

OD Still has alot of non-chinese parts, but with each one that gets bought it seems like a china part is taking its place.

Guardian is good glass too, but I can't figure out how to go about buying from them on a wholsesale level.

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???


What makes you think Mygrant can beat PPG's price? Those 2 companies compete on a daily basis all over the country. Mygrant and PPG have beat each other up trying to sell more for less for years now. Why would Mygrant even consider coming to your market? PPG is selling cheap to ANYONE already where your at.

Prime example- You have pricing after being in business for six months, that beat the crap out of OD's top 100. How can PPG justify that?

Wholesale suicide..............?????????

We are now!

A local customer in the Greensboro area mentioned this to us today. I guess this forum shows my email address, but if not, contact info can be found at . I'm the branch manager.
Thank you Chris!


Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

AGN you say PPG'S china glass is junk but it is made by either FYG or XYG.

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

And an hour later you want another one.

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

I realize PPGs china parts are made by FYG. My point is that if I'm going to install an FYG part I want to pay an FYG price. Not pay for a PPG brand and get an FYG.

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

I'm actually more partial to XYG then I am to FYG so I'd like to find a good XYG supplier.

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

FYG has a far better product than PPG. Thats why PPG wants them to make thier glass. I think you should buy a boat load and you could set your own price.

You been in business 6 months and in my oppion you do not qaulify nor do you deserve pricing from any wholesalers in the US that could let you compete with any company that has spent years devoloping strong relationships with their customers.

The wholesalers have sold out all the companies that made them. They now sell to anyone that has a truck and caulking gun and have no loyalties to their long time customers.

Before you start whining I'am bashing you, this post is directed primarly at the wholesalers. You just happen to be one of the guys that benifited from the wreckless pricing and now you think you deserve better pricing after a very short time in business.

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

uhhh up your local Safelite warehouse they will sell you all the XYG you is their perfered brand. I hope you dont warranty distortion or other manufacturing defects, like mirror brackets falling/breaking off.

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

AGN do your think I know John and i will put the hammer down to help you!!!

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

AGN- if you want to know where to find XYG glass call Gary Lee Dunagan @ NorthStar Glass Distributors in Kansas and he can help you find a distributor or he can help set you up to order three or more at a time from them via truck from Kansas they have really good pricing if you purchase 5 more . I would only order from N.S. if you keep stock on hand.

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

the thing i like about mygrant is their pricing on carlite parts, they beat everyone that i have found. some of the top 100 do too but not all.

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???


First off I'm not a whiner. You guys who ***** ***** and moan about your competitors having the same prices you do are the whiners. Just wanted to clear that up.

Secondly, I DO pay higher prices then my competitors who have been in business longer. I never said anything about HOW MUCH i pay...only that PPG had beaten OD on the top 100! That could mean that instead of paying $100 a part I'm paying $90. Nice jump on that one.

I think alot of you guys are just generally ****** off with the direction your lives have gone and you are looking for an enemy to blame your problems on.

AHAG...thanks for the tip. I'll consider doing that. I don't really keep stock, but if the price was right I could start.

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???


You really have the nerve. Why do you ask advice of the old timers on this forum if we **** you off and moan so much. You seem to know more than us after being a glass delivery boy for a couple of years. And the WHINING THING, YES WHINING about every company you worked for and they were the guys that allowed you to learn this business. And when you told us to get business you have to lower your price to survive, You were given advice and turned your cheek. You have no clue, And will never make it in this business and will be back to washing cars soon...........

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

AGN--Ive been in this business a long time and just dont want the headaches of owning my own shop. These guys who ***** at you are just bitter that you seem to be doing so well just a few months in. We have been using XYG for about a year on most vehicles, and I have not had any mirrors fall off, and only had one warranty for distortion. Overall I have been very happy with the fit and finish. Once again, good luck, and dont let some of these guys get you down!

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

It appears to me that everyone is more worried about that bottom line, and saving a dollar has gotten to be more important than giving the customer a quality part. I am not sure how you guys run your business but my main concern is quality first! As long as I am giving my customers a premier service and quality parts the profit will come from repeats and referals. We all know that PPG's quality has dropped, but it seams that the price is more important. What about a quality part from Pilkington.

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???


I didn't start this. You did. You took the liberty to comment on MY BUSINESS PRACTICES and on ME in general. I have no interest in fighting with you or anyone. I am greatful for the advice many here have given me and I have used it to my benefit! I am also greatful for the ability to ask!

As far as whining...I don't think I whined about anything. I commented on REAL problems I was experiencing with former employers.


Thanks for the encouragement! I appreciate it!

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???


Quality is very important. Our point is that FYG/XYGs quality has gone UP while PPGs had gone way DOWN! If we can buy a better quality part at a cheaper price why wouldn't we??

I buy Pilkington parts now. They are mostly good parts. However, late last year they sent around a letter staing that 25% of their parts would be coming from Chinese glass makers in the near future!

Its not all about saving money...thats just a nice side item.

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

Lee said "an hour later you want another one!"


Good one Lee.

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

XYG is PPG china....not FYG....a former employer of mine told me that we should tell customers that FYG was made by Chinesse military and XYG by normal Chinesse peasents so customers would want to help support a starving Chinaman rather than their military and use our XYG. It was all I could do not to laugh in his face.

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

from what I have read, the Chinese military follows a policy of "armed partnership negotiation" whenever it needs more $$, so I would be surprised if they weren't cut in somewhere down the line on ANY Chinese product.

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

No kidding on the chinese military being cut in. Thats what communism is like...the governemnt is always cut in and corruption runs amock big time!

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

I would buy from terroist befor I ever bought anything from Binswangers whole division. Mygrant rox

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

ACI (Binswanger) stopped delivering here over a year ago. The only customer they had was the local Binswanger and they booked most of their jobs on a day to day basis and ended up buying most of their parts from the local distributors.

So ACI stopped coming.

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

Thanks Larry. For those of you that may not know, Mygrant now has branches in Charlotte and Morrisville, NC. We hope to extend our delivery area from Greensboro into southern and western Virginia soon so any of you in that area interested in setting up accounts, please let me know. Toll free number is 888 529 7530.

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

John, how about Ohio or Indiana? You would have some very grateful AGR shop owners in this area if you opened one here!!

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

Glass lady where are you located?

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

Nothing personal to the people that work for them but the farther away any wholesaler is from my market the better because they all inhale. Some just inhale less than others.

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

Glass Lady, I have no idea what may be on the drawing board, but the nearest one would be in Northlake, Il. I do know they have shipped some bulk orders into Indiana, possibly Ohio as well. Call (708)492-1560 and ask for Jan or Jeff. They probably have some daily runs into northern Indiana. Wisconsin too, I believe.

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

eyes wide open, Western Ohio.

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

John, Chicago would be the closest to me as of now. I had communicated with Jim Ricci, (who by the way, is a really nice person) when I was looking for info on Mygrant a few months ago. I hadn't heard of Mygrant and was refered by one of your customers. He had given me the same info. I keep hoping that Mygrant will eventually open a branch closer to me. Thanks for your help!

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

Sounds like Mygrant has nothing but room to grow if it so chooses!! They are a good company and have been very easy to deal with and helpful. They even sold me a piece of glass that I needed when I didn't have an account!

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

I have heard alot of good things about them. I am normally a very loyal person and stick with a company when I find a good one, but my current distributor is having more and more issues in different areas and I need a company that is dependable.

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

Glass lady, to bad that is outside our territory. Thought maybe we could help.

Re: Mygrant!! You guys watching this forum???

eyes wide open, thanks anyway, I appreciate the thought. Have a good one!

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