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Have A missed somthin

Hiv yis awe tane the hump or sumthin

Re: Have A missed somthin

Hello Eck,

nabody speaking to you?, it was all that slagging you were given wee Tam. How are you doing?bet everybodies happy Rangers got the double,well maybe just Tam and me, Tehe,Maybe that will gee up a few folk for an answer. Anyway hope this finds you well and hope to hear from all the others soon,

Aw the best wee fella, Eddie.

Re: Have A missed somthin

Hi Edd good tae see ye back oan board big man ah need sum backup against aw these ither numpties (47 know what ah mean)aye the bears goat there in the end best o 2 bad teams lukin fwd tae european nights think ah"ll invite Frank an JD jist tae show them how real supporters get oan(dig dig)Pit in fur ma money at wurk ah"m 62 bit the boss said cause ah only luk 50 an ah"m sich an important wurker tae him ah"ve no goat much o a chance no like 47 they couldna rid o him quick enuff.

Re: Have A missed somthin

Is it no mair tae dae wi the fact that you're the only wan that can read and write,you bein the heed carer.

Re: Have A missed somthin

Tam,I think that it is only fair that you should inform your Boss that there are some really good deals on at Specsavers at the moment,also if they can`t help him I am sure the RBS would supply him with a dog Danny

Re: Have A missed somthin

Tam/Edd, got to give credit when it's due. Rangers done well to win that wee Scottish league and, it was'nt Strachans fault that the tic players became complacent after only two games into the season, after all, they are tired of winning the league.So, Tam and Edd enjoy your boasting for the moment, the tic will be back refreshed next season for the usual beat Rangers and we win the league scenario. Tam 62 eh! you only look about 61. Only joking Tam, your moustache makes you look younger.

Re: Have A missed somthin

You obviously missed English lessons at school.

Re: Have A missed somthin

How the hell did we lose that league to a shower of old men.

Re: Have A missed somthin

You only 62 Tam,thats younger than Davie Weir.Give Wattie a phone.

Re: Have A missed somthin

jings youse guys are a richt bunch o comedians an youse aw want tae get inti me yer man connelly wid niver huv made it in the Q.O.Hldrs.Aye mibbi the Gers are auld but their like guid wine(Buckfast)they improve wi age,hey Frankie see yer hivin a wee dig at the SPL dinna ferget where ye come fae son.See Mowbrey wants tae sign Robbie Keane;Ashley Young an Darren Bent he says it"ll be a typical Celtic fwd line Keen;young an Bent aye laff at that JD

Re: Have A missed somthin

Not a lot of people visit this site, and that includes me. Drop in now and again, hope all who remember me are keeping well! Aw ra best!!

Re: Have A missed somthin

Aye,Frankie and John and even you Huntert will be shakin in yer boots noo that big Yogi is at Easter road,mind you,if we were bein totaly truthfull we decided where the league flag was going anyway,an before you start givin me abuse ah ken were pish an thats the difference between me an you'se,most of your teams widni have got a game for the battalion.Aye John,we ken whit it wis like tae pull on that blue shirt(you were probally crossin yersel)but Hunter can only dream aboot it.Tam,kiss ma boots.

Re: Have A missed somthin

kiss yer boots if ye gie me back that fiver ye owe me i"ll kiss yer e---. an as fur playin fur the Batt goes Tam Cairns says it"s nae wunner he has a sair back fur he carried ye fur years.Niver goat ma redundancy a"ll jist hiv tae carry oan showin aw these young guys hoo real engineers work,aye it"s true whit they say there"s nae substitute fur experiance(you"ll ken awe aboot subs 47)Danny,we dinna deal wi shoaps like Specsavers jist top o the range fur us boys.Ahm sitten here waiten fur a reply fae Frank an John D mibbi i"ll hiv a long wait!!

Re: Have A missed somthin

Cumone big Edd,its been so long that even Tam has stopped mensioning you in in his drivel,jist let him know how good it is tae be NO WORKIN.

Re: Have A missed somthin

Eck 47, get youself orr ta the Edinburgh branch do's, and catch up wa big ED and a few other's and huv a good night maybe see then.


Re: Have A missed somthin

When is the next wan

Re: Have A missed somthin

gies yer e-mail an i'll forward it ta Danny Carruthers and he will send all info ta ya or Big Ed can forward it ta you, a think the next wan noo will be the xmas dance will get detail and post on here.

Re: Have A missed somthin

I'd ask Tam if he fancied it but he comes over to a pantomime quite regularly.

Re: Have A missed somthin

Frig you 47 ye hiv an answer fur iverything

Re: Have A missed somthin

47,just got back from Menorca and saw a guy I coud have swore wiz Tam.then he went to the bar and I knew it coudny be him.

Re: Have A missed somthin

John is it awfy quiet in Menorca,never been.