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Queen's Own Highlanders Association

Strathclyde Branch

Queen's Own Highlanders Association
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2nd Seaforth Highlanders Wooden Chest

I am in possession of a Large Wooden Chest (14'' wide x 15.5'' deep x 32'' long. It has metal handles either end and a keyhole, but no key). My father very kindly gave it to me for storage about 10 years ago, but he has no idea where he got it from.

Painted on the front are the words:

Lce Corpl J. Hopwood
2nd Seaforth Highlanders

Can anyone let me know any information about it. I cant even tell how old it would be! Would it be something that went everywhere with J Hopwood? Does anyone recall the name? We live in Warwick in the midlands so have no clue as to how it ended up down here.

Any information very gratefully received as I am very curious about it and have searched the web to no avail.

Many thanks

Sharon Lumley