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Queen's Own Highlanders Association
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History - 78th

I am writing a book on a group of officers and soldiers during the French revolutionary and Napoleonic wars. I am particularly interested in the career of Alexander Mackenzie of Fairburn, Lieut. General who is shown serving as a Major on the first officers list for the 78th and as Lieut.-Colonel, and as second in command or the 2nd battalion/78th raised in 1794. The history given on your web page
is very helpful. Thanks much. I would like to know if the author of that history can offer published or archived references for that history and if his history has been published anywhere (other than the internet). It would be very much appreciated if he could. Does anyone know how he can be reached? I need to dig deeper and the sources your historian used would be also be helpful. Thank you for your time. Arthur Murchison, Ph.D., Honolulu