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Queen's Own Highlanders Association
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British War Cemetery Tripoli

My husband and I are working and living in Tripoli , Libya. We recently attended the Rememberance Service at the British War Cemetery and noted the graves of a number of Seaforth Highlanders who had fallen during WW11.
Later during a discussion with the British Ambassodor, Sir Vincent Fean, we expressed an interest in arranging a visit for relatives/ friends/ex- servicemen who may want to visit here in time for the next Rememberance Service.One of the reasons for our interest is that one of our sons has been selected for officer training at Sandhurst and has been a member of the T.A.Highlanders for 8 years. He has also served a tour in Iraq. At the age of 25 he is older than many of the young men now interred in the British Cemetery here.
We were struck by how beautifully kept the cemetery is and are sure that anyone visiting would be made very welcome by the British Expat community.
My husband is also an exserviceman, having served 22 years in the RAF Regiment.He is one of a few over here who have some understanding of the sacrifice made by these men and wishes to let people know about them.