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Re: My homepage has been redirected to a Template

i see a page with a little image that is well over 3mb and takes a good while to download.

Need to optimize that image. Your image on that page is WAY WAY to big.

An image isn't supposed to be even more than 1mb and you are well over it.

It is showing 22 times kerry county champions displaying across top.

Guess this page is supposed to be a little entrance page.

So unless your website supposed to be something different in design

Re: My homepage has been redirected to a Template

Thanks for the Tip Jack.
I actually realised earlier that I overwrote my index.html file which is why the template page was showing. I've changed it since so that the homepage is now appearing.
I will change that photo though.

Browser: Internet Explorer

Re: My homepage has been redirected to a Template

I am having the problem with the template replacing my main page and now I don't know how to get it back. I originally wanted to apply the template to my main page and now it is there. how do i get it off or make it apply without losing my original words?

Browser: bella weaves

Re: My homepage has been redirected to a Template

Hi Ian

I've found Adobe Photoshop Elements very useful. This isn't the über-expensive one. I'm still using ver 2 (Windwows XP). I saw ver 4 on Amazon for $30 (and the latest, ver 9, for only $90) but I digress.

That program has "save for web" on the File menu. It will take your current image and reduce it for web viewing automatically (with full review and live adjustability) which you can then save, using a new filename so your source image isn't overwritten, in optimized GIF, JPG or PNG format. It works great. Use it all the time. I'm guessing you could get that 3MB file down under 75KB without any trouble at all.


Browser: Firefox 3.5.18

OS: Windows XP MCE 2005 SP3