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Re: creating a page

I see the page that you have linked without problem. Try clearing your browser cache.

Re: creating a page

The question was they are trying to ADD a page to their website.

They were not asking can you see their main website.

But to help us better give us the link to the page that isn't working if you published it.

Maybe can see something or it could be something else altogether.

Especially if mixing bravenet's editors possibly and more.

One reason I don't use bravenet's online editors I use one of own so can have more control with editing and more

Re: creating a page

you got that right, jeff. it just surprised me yesterday coz it was the first time it happened. i was able to edit on the text editor (when i pasted a paypal button code) but when i was editing the page itself, nothing was working right. the titles were published but not the texts i typed. i did it several times in a span of 4 hours, but never worked. i'm gonna try it again today. hope it works this time.

Browser: google chrome