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Re: I have no idea

their are other programs that can pick up malware

perhaps try one of them for a scan

I don't trust McAfee much.

But I have many programs that scan for malware and more on my computer. It helps.

But you need to get your site cleaned up and more things as sometimes theme of what a site is could be good for hackers as well.

As your site is one hackers love

Re: I have no idea

Thanks for the new reply from Kevin.
I'm still not sure I'm understanding the concept of malware. My thinking was, if it's on your pc, it would affect everything you do ?
Actually, if I think about it, the hacked links were in the hits results page. I had called it the 'referel page' earlier. The link by the hit counter that says 'view site stats' The hacked link looks like this, That is a cached page but it's the only one left (I have a free counter so it only shows last 10) It is also the most recent hit result which means to me that the hacked links are still floating around out there.
The hits came in last Saturday and Sunday 8-28 and 8-29-2010 and then stopped.
The hits results, counters and such, are processed on bravenet servers, ?
Kevin mentioned that my site was one that hackers love. I am just getting back to it and changing and updating things. What things did you mean I need to clean up ?
Thanks for your help and any further advise you can offer.

Browser: Firefox

OS: windows xp

Re: I have no idea

I don't think your issue has anything to do with hacking. Too many people jump on the "hacking" bandwagon when something looks odd. The links you see, with the strange set of characters, are usually generated automatically by a search engine. When they cache sites, they necessarily modify all of the embedded links. They are not really in the business of promoting the sites that you link to. The links they create don't have to make sense to you. They only have to make sense to the search engine. You have many links on your site with those same cryptic letter groupings. They are just used by the site your linking to to access the correct page.

Not trusting McAfee only means you haven't really worked with it. I have worked with it mostly on Unix platforms, but lately also on PCs. Is it better than others? Maybe not. But it is at least as good as the others. But, it is not going to protect your web site. It is only going to protect your PC. But I expect that Bravenet may be smart enough to run virus scans on their servers regularly.

IMHO, using Yahoo is a mistake. Every time I use them, all I get are a lot of misleading links and garbage. Google does a much better job.

Getting 20-30 hits all of a sudden is no big deal. All it really means is that, more people are using keywords that match your site, and they are accessing your site from the search. An access from a search will register as the search engine, not the user. Maybe your site is just starting to get a little more popular.

As an example, 90 Percent of the search engine hits for my main site are from Google. Google averages about 100 hits a day. The other 10 percent come from Yahoo and the other lesser used search engines. Since that site gets 20,000 to 22,000 hits a month from all over the world, the search engine hits are no big deal. When a user searches with a keyword related to my site, my site is always on page one.

I don't use any meta tags with key words. I let the search engine figure them out from the site's content. It seems that Google is good at that, but the others, not so much. Maybe if I included them, the other search engines would work better.

Browser: Firefox

OS: Solaris, Redhat, Fedora, Suse

Re: I have no idea

thanks Philo, I was curious as to how my site/s are protected, I was sure that bravenet's servers would be protected. And to hack my site someone would have to get to my editor right? So I did change my password, and for whatever reason, the hit counter is not moving again, )-: lol.

When I was working on my sites on a regular basis, which has a year, maybe even 2, I was coming up on the first page of google as well, that is a good feeling for sure. Now, if I only knew what changes I made that caused those results, I'd be extreme. So, I am working on them again. Boy what a mess, relevant content, not relevant content, at times it doesn't seem to matter ,,other times it does.

One more thing,, that I forgot to mention. About the cached pages. Just that there was a lot of added text at the bottom after where my page would have ended, alot of mention of adobe files, and resolution, and/or 'high resolution'. And why were they in different format than my page template, and no color, and the first group of hits didn't really specify that they were cached pages. Those started coming in after. Just curious, though I am thinking, and hoping, that everything is getting back to normal.

Browser: Firefox

OS: windows xp

Re: I have no idea

Boy this was certainly an eyeopener and I read everyone's response. I've had issues like this myself and thought ...wth ...I do up my site one way and the next it's totally a mess. Causing me to do the page over again.

I agree malware has a lot to do with the mess ups.

Browser: firefox

OS: xp

Re: I have no idea

hi, and thanks everyone for their replies and comments.

It's nice to know that McAfee can be considered trustworthy as I have always used it, and thus far haven't had any problems that I am aware of, at least on my pc.

I just wanted to update with a more descriptive description in what has been going on. The results that linked me to the bogus pages were links in my bravenet hitcounter results page per the referrers/recent hits results. I can type in my site url and get my site as it should look.

I wanted to mention also, that when I click on the bogus link from the 'recent hits' results it takes me to the cached page, and when I click the link there it goes to 404 page not found. Which may be a good thing that the bogus page result has been disabled.

The most recent result from my hit counter, from a search request for 'flv video converter for screen resolution 176x144' takes you to a search result page that has

Mp4 Converter 176 144 Resolution - Online Discount
project resolution iPod /PSP/3GP/MP4 Video Converter is for . to find out what will work what won't. far found 176x144. diablo game screen resolution ... - Cached

that in the number 2 spot on the first page, but when clicked goes to 404 page not found. The description given is from the bogus text that has been added to the page.

Also, in one of my previous descriptions, not that it is relevant, I had said that the text was added at the bottom of my page, when actually it is in the 3rd content block of the I think layout theme editor using the theme wizard. I think I said that correctly, I find my way to what I want to do and don't always pay real close attention to the details along the way (-:

The bogus pages are always showing in text only.

Point is, where did they come from ?

Browser: Firefox

OS: windows xp