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Re: Site is not saving and not publishing - No permission to access!?

Your issue is

1. YOU HAVE GONE OVER THE 5mb limit of space with your FREE SUBDOMAIN/FREE HOSTED site

2. YOU DO NOT HAVE AN index.html page published in your root folder

that is what the 403 error page means that you have

UNTIL you get your space down or get an index.html page saved

IF YOU ARE USING the wizard as you say

You save and publish in the wizard only if you venture away from the wizard then you have to save and publish your site another way

Like in the post you copied SPACE was your issue so you probably still have a space issue problem

Re: Site is not saving and not publishing - No permission to access!?

THANK YOU Scott!!! You just saved my day!

It seems the 5 MB limit was the cause of it all, I had some huge pictures on my old (1st) site! When I deleted the big ones, the wizard also buildt the index as it was supposed to, on my new site.

Do I only have one total 5MB limit then? (for all on my account?)

Or do I have one (5MB limit) per site I make on my account???

THANKS again!

Re: Site is not saving and not publishing - No permission to access!?

You have 5mb limit for all sites combined.

If you have more than 1 account then you have 5mb for each one

If you bought a domain and hosted other domains on the one account or subdomains that space would be shared as well

But if you had it all on SEPERATE accounts then it would be different

Re: Site is not saving and not publishing - No permission to access!?

Thanks Kevin, that's what I thought (after the trouble, but before I started, I actually thought I had 5MB per site...darn).

I am below the 5 MB limit now, but still (again) having problems saving, so perhaps I should start all over again on a brand new account in stead....if I'm allowed to do that!?....just thought I could reuse pictures and files easier when it was on the same account.

Thanks for helping out.

Re: Site is not saving and not publishing - No permission to access!?

You probably had huge pictures that you didn't optimize with a graphics program like irfanview to get them down to an appropriate size

People tend to automatically put up digital images and don't look that their picture MAY APPEAR to be one size when it is totally another altogether

Get organized with pencil and paper to what you want

You don't have to delete the one site then open another account just for a different site

Just delete the subdomain you have with the one account and make a new one if you want

You are using the free hosting and free subdomains if you want more space then upgrade your hosting and buy a domain

WIth the free subdomain/free hosting it is just limited for a small little site

If making a business site or more then as said buy a domain and get hosting.

Re: Site is not saving and not publishing - No permission to access!?

Hi Sami
Thanks a lot for your good advice. I do believe I have it all organized now, in a good that I'm aware of the limits and all. :-)

I do have my own domaine, (, but unfortunately I don't have a wizard for it, (like I have in here), so I only use it as a 'pointer' to my other sites so far.

I know it's a waste of good space to do it that way, but I do need a site that I can update on my own, when I want to, and bravenet is EXCELLENT for dummies like me, with no html knowledge.

I'm not sure how it works with transferring my domaine to bravenet, if I still have the wizard functionality and how else it works, so for now I'm happy with my set-up.

Bravenet is GREAT and you are all very helpful! THANK YOU!!!

Site is not saving and not publishing again!

I cleaned it up and I'm way under the 5MB limit now (3,2) and suddenly it doesn't save my changes (again).

What's wrong?

Re: Site is not saving and not publishing again!

Sorry about this post!

It must have been something with my browser!?...It's working again now, on another PC and browser!

I have no idea why though!?