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problem with database

hello im having problems installing drupal , i run into a snag when i go to install the database

i get this message

Failed to connect to your MySQL database server. MySQL reports the following message: Access denied for user 'benngrym'@'' (using password: YES).
Are you sure you have the correct username and password?
Are you sure that you have typed the correct database hostname?
Are you sure that the database server is running?
For more help, see the Installation and upgrading handbook. If you are unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your hosting provider.

they ask for
Database name: which would be the name of mmy database

The name of the mysqli database your Drupal data will be stored in. It must exist on your server before Drupal can be installed.

Database username: *
whih is my username for the database
Database password: password

also asks for server, is filled in local host but i put in the bravenet servr cause local host wouldn work, i just installed jamroom on nother domain on here and had no problems anyone have any ideas

OS: windws

Re: problem with database

ok i got it installed but when i go to log into the admin section i get this error

You seem to have stumbled on a forbidden path that is typically a result of a incomplete mod_rewrite setup in a .htaccess file. Please inform the site owner.

If you are the site owner, Bravenet requires most users to set a RewriteBase like so

RewriteBase /
in your .htaccess file for popular packages like Joomla or Drupal.

can anyone tell me what to insert int the .htacess file