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You tried to visit a page which is not loading

At present I have two files (index.html, and Aboutme.html) which have been uploaded succesfully.

But there is some problem when I click on "About Me " from my homepage it fails to open the page. Instead, a message appears that 'you tried to to visit which is not loading'.
I am using Dreamwear and preview in browser appears correctly.

2. I have uploaded my index file from my folder 'NewDwSite ansar38bravehost' but in File Manager when I check the uploaded index.html file it shows one that was previously uploaded from Although it now stands deleted from that site. Pl. guide me.

Browser: i.e.

OS: windows xp

Re: You tried to visit a page which is not loading

What a MESS of a page you have

links to pages at geocities, links to things on your hard drive

might try getting the links to go to right page

they won't go anywhere if you don't have it coded right and more

Re: You tried to visit a page which is not loading

I haven't looked at your site but the immediate question is answered in your post.

The message you report will occur because you omitted the .html from the file name in the link.