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ads on my website. Paid not to have them

I paid for bravenet without any popups or ads.Now I find my site covered in ads.
Also, I am unable to receive email. My membership doesn't expire until 2011. I would be willing to cancel service and get a new web host, but I need to keep my website URL. I can't find a phone for Bravenet. My password isn't working either. Can anyone help me? I

Browser: internet explorer

OS: windows

Re: ads on my website. Paid not to have them

looks like you are using frames of some kind and that is creating a lot of ads as with free hosting it puts ads in all the frames

Now if you have paid for your hosting might have to check with bravenet

so open a support ticket via the link at top of page etc. As you will have to deal with bravenet that way.

Account difficulties and tech issues have to be dealt away from forum

Re: ads on my website. Paid not to have them

Hey Joanne,

It looks like you have an old Bravenet account under our hosting system. It looks like your domain name is still good but that old hosting account has expired.

Please open a ticket with our support department so they can resolve the issue.
