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FTP Help

Im new for HTP, im using word to make the websites and I savethem as a website and etc. How do I make pictures show up on the website?

Browser: IE7

Re: FTP Help

You seem to have solved the problem for yourself.

Re: FTP Help

Thats what everyone is saying, then can someone tell me why I can't see the image.

Browser: IE7

Re: FTP Help

I see a huge image. It is in bitmap form. Not sure what software you are using and more but perhaps you have something blocking you from seeing it

make the image a little better and more. Took a bit to load on my computer

Re: FTP Help

I didn't check the image format. Not all browsers will display bitmaps. You should use a photo editing program such as Irfanview to convert it to a jpeg.

JPEG files are a lot smaller so it will also make the download times a lot quicker and save you a lot of bandwidth.

Re: FTP Help

I got it

Browser: IE7