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Does Bravenet allow access to httpd.conf? If so, does anyone know where to find it?

Re: httpd.conf

The location of the "httpd.conf" file depends on where the web server software is installed on the host computer. A common place on a Linux platform would be "/usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf" or "/etc/apache/conf/httpd.conf". If they compiled it from source code, it could be almost anywhere. But unless you were leasing a dedicated web server, no hosting company is going to give you access to it.

What kind of things are you trying to manage? Often a user can customize his hosting a little with a ".htaccess" file. For anything beyond that, contact Bravenet directly.

Browser: Firefox, Netscape, Sea Monkey, Internet Explorer, .....

OS: Solaris (Sparc,x86), Linux, XP

Re: httpd.conf

I'm trying to set up WordPress MU and I can't get wildcard subdomain redirection to work--it appears Bravenet handles the A records for subdomains in a nonstandard way that's not apparent. I know how to find httpd.conf on a dedicated web server and I know Bravenet wouldn't let me ssh to the file itself--I just wanted to know if Bravenet gave access to at least a limited set of directives via a couple of radiobuttons in some far-off corner of the control panel that I can't find, but apparently not.

I've tried editing .htaccess but if Bravenet redirects all subdomains that haven't been explicitly created to the "domain unconfigured" page, and if the one A record that the system automatically creates for all subdomains (!) isn't configurable, then there's not much I can do AFAICT.

Thanks and I know that question wasn't terribly clear--I'll contact Bravenet.