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Bravenet Support

We recieved no notification that our website was being dropped, and the whole thing has been down for four days. Opening a ticket has not helped. There is apparently a 48 hour turn around on any request, even if it is something simple like giving account information that bravenet already has on file (we have been loyal customers for years).
The lack of support is astounding. We are still waiting... and waiting... and waiting...

Browser: IE 7.0


Re: Bravenet Support

Says expired... Which is a sort of hint that Bravehost may not be the party at fault here.
Unless they are simply wrong about the site having expired, you were notified the last time you renewed your hosting that it would expire now.

Re: Bravenet Support


It looks as though your hosting has expired. If you renew it - your website will continue to work.


Re: Lack of Bravenet Support

Wow, thanks for the feedback... that was really not helpful. We took our credit card off the auto pay because we were trying to avoid charges for the useless "upgrades" we bought. So I guess if the renewal dosent happen automatically, then you get the friggin rug pulled out from under you, and no one is going to help you for a week... We did NOT recieve ANY notification that bravenet was dropping our site... as I mentioned before we have been good customers for years... the account will not let me renew online (thats the first thing I tried to do )... no one is helping me and our site is still down. I guess "Brandon" just dosent care...bravenet "support" sux.

Browser: IE


Re: Lack of Bravenet Support

So, you didn't pay, and then discovered that when you don't pay, you no longer get the service. Henry, before you post another angry message, sit down and think about this. Whose fault is it, really?

Everybody else, before you start heaping abuse on poor Henry, ask yourself this: Aren't we all a little Henry at heart? Do you say: "I'm an idiot for not taking my umbrella" or "The weather sux"? Be honest now!

Re: Lack of Bravenet Support

Henry and others it is also your responsibility to keep track of when your hosting and domain expire etc so you can renew in plenty of time

I run a website and we do all this stuff in advance before the site goes down

If you don't receive the e-mail from bravenet your hosting is about to expire then check your junk/spam/bulk folders to see if an e-mail is stuck there

also set up a filter in your e-mail account that you have associated with your bravenet account to allow e-mails from

Bravenet does respond to their tickets if you received no notifications that your ticket was sent or supposedly a response then again down to your e-mail so keep track of ticket number and check your tickets online

Technical issues and account issues have to be dealt with through their ticket system and more.

Nothing we can do at the forums on this issue.

But as said perhaps they will provide you with an answer to why you can't seem to renew.

But when it is passed the time when renewal should have been done all sites DO go down and more till your hosting is renewed or the domain is renewed. 2 different aspects to keep track of and more

As Courtnie from Bravenet said your hosting expired so it had to be renewed.

But then you replied very rudely on what answers you got. Do understand you are frustrated but some of the things here are common issues people don't pay attention to and more with ticket responses and an answer is there but just not having been received with the e-mail account and that is one common issue with yahoo, aol, google and others.

So anyone who may not have gotten responses with tickets, check online for responses. Sometimes responses can't be at the snap of a finger.

And anyone who thinks their hosting/domain is about to expire RENEW early so if something comes up you have the time to get it straightened out

Re: Lack of Bravenet Support

Hey corwing, I got something for you buddy... but until I see you, why dont you go play "hide anf duck yourself." If you were standing in front of your customers, you wouldnt be talking that way. Why dont you read the details I gave you? Why would I not pay the bill? I have never not paid the and your "customer service" SUCK! I would have paid the bill twice if it meant I never had to talk to you, and put up with your BS. I have read some of the other comments, and I'm not the only one who see's it, so "come on", who's the _______? know... who is it? Thats and yours...

Browser: IE

OS: vista

Re: Lack of Bravenet Support

Snap of your fingers? Yeah right, more like a sundial, or a calander...

You said it yourself, the forum cant help me, so why all the BS emails? Why am I even wasting time talking to you? Ohh thats right, web site is down...still... after five days... FIVE FRIGGIN DAYS! If this is how you treat loyal customers, I shudder to think what you would do to others... scary.

Browser: IE

OS: vista

Re: Lack of Bravenet Support

My customers?
Courtnie, up there, is actually working for Bravenet. But it is fairly unusual for anyone working for Bravenet to respond here. I'm sorry I assumed you hadn't payed. Someone pretending to be you posted "We took our credit card off the auto pay".

As for your gracious invitation, that will have to wait until next time I'm in Virginia Beach.

In the meantime, please realize that as soon as Google pics up on there being no levincontracting.,com, this forum will start turning up much higher in searches. Read your own messages, try to think like a potential customer, and ask yourself: Do I want to do business with Henry?

Re: Lack of Bravenet Support

Ha Ha Ha your a funny customers will understand...will yours...?

Still no help with my account, still no answers, just a smart assed "support" rep who dosent know his place.

Save your personal comments for someone who cares what you think, and fix my account, instead of wasting time giving me info I already have...

Re: Lack of Bravenet Support

MY customers? I'm afraid I don't have the sunny disposition and charming personality that would make me fit for working in a postition where I would be expected to attract customers. I hope you are not thinking that this forum is a way to contact Bravenet support?

The purpose of this forum is for people to come here with the easy questions anybody can answer, leaving Bravenet support free to handle more important questions, like failed renewals. Unfortunately, the system doesn't always work.

You didn't say, but I assume you are checking your ticket online, aren't you? Answering emails are sometimes flagged as spam.

Re: Lack of Bravenet Support

Hi Henry,

The issue appears to be resolved now. Please have a look at my reply to your support ticket. It explains what happened.


Re: Lack of Bravenet Support

site still email...

Re: Lack of Bravenet Support

site still email...

It's working fine for me now. It looks like it was just a caching issue.


Re: Lack of Bravenet Support

wow, its working, and it only took six days...