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Cannot Connect-Support Missing

I cannot connect to my site. All of the sudden 6 days ago, my site won't let me connect. I have opened a support ticket and was told that my ftp info was incorrect (even though I had been using it with no issues up until 6 days ago). I changed my ftp info and now I am getting no response from support.
I used to think Bravenet was a good company, but now I am getting really mad at being ignored. Problem is obviously on their end and I am not getting the 'support' I need.
Anyone else having this problem?
The error messages I am getting are timed out errors and something about 'cannot connect to server, either the server is down or not accepting connections'. I am paying for this service and cannot use it!!
VERY disappointed.

Re: Cannot Connect-Support Missing

if they told you that your FTP information was incorrect

you can get your full ftp info by logging in to bravenet and clicking on the ftp tab

that information there is what you use for your ftp program to get into your site

if you are still haveing problems just going to have to wait for them to answer.

These forums are for Bravenet members they are not a way to reach bravenet techs. That is what the open a support ticket part is for.

You have a tech issue that you need to keep going and just wait for their answer. They may not respond at the snap of a finger but just going to have to be patient