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A number of requests have been made for information on thumbnails. Hopefully this will help

In computer language thumbnail refers to a small image that enlarges when clicked on.

The first thing to do is to get your photo a reasonable size. A width of about 650 is best. Now make a copy of the photo and reduce the size to about 80 width. Use a photo programme that does this. You will find people suggesting you buy one. If you haven't got one but are using Windows XP then use Start - Programmes - Accessories - Paint.

You should give photos a simple name to avoid making a mistake with the html code. I use a letter or number for complete simplicity. The second photo needs an additional name. On my web sites I have used things like 'A 'for the large and 'Aa' for the small. Or '1' for the large and '1small' for the smaller one.

Now upload these photos into Bravenet Images but don't attempt to put them on a page.

The next step is the tricky one for anyone like me who doesn't know html codes. It must be typed exactly for each photo. The slightest error and it will come up with a Red X.

The following is for a picture named r and ra I suggest you copy and paste the following to a Notepad and save. You can then just substitute the name of your photo for the r and ra. Don't change any of the other words or spacing.


Just copy and paste each one separately into the Code Editor side of the Bravenet page you want the photo on making sure first you have placed the cursor where you want the photo. You will note on my web site I have used different size thumbnails. This is because I was experimenting and didn't bother to change any when I got it right.

Best of luck and contact me if you have any problems

Re: Thumbnails

Just to add to that post, Irfanview is an excellent free download which will resize your photos and create thumbnails for you.

Re: Thumbnails

Correction to message. The first code has not appeared but should be the same as the one that has appeared except ra replace by r