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MAJOR Grievances against the owners of

Dear Fellow Canadians,

I am writing this email to report major and legitimate grievances against the owners of the following URL :

I am a member of a group of 6 Canadian medical students who sent money to this sham organization in order to secure a volunteer placement in Recife, Brazil for Humanitarian work. Me and my fellow colleagues had the extremely unfortunate experience of being the financial victims of criminal fraud perpetrated by this fraudulent, criminal organization who hides under the guise of an International Humanitarian organization. They took our donated monies and had no intention of fulfilling our original agreement. Our small group of medical students from calgary were going to setup a medical clinic for local orphans. I sincerely request that you contact me directly in order to prevent other individuals from becoming victim to the same sort of scam. Never in my life have I met more deceitful and evil people. Volunteer Brazil is currently being investigated by my Credit Card company and local law enforcement in Brazil. The fact that they have been allowed to operate as long as they have really is a mystery to me.

Best regards,

Miles Nakaska


Re: MAJOR Grievances against the owners of

miles a lot of people send e-mails and things out begging for money and more things and turns out to be spam and more

one reason I delete all those kind of e-mails and more things.

probably some out there that want to believe the e-mails and then they wind up losing out a lot of money and more

I don't fall for that garbage no matter how desperate someone is

Re: Re: MAJOR Grievances against the owners of

I think the post is here because the site is hosted by Bravenet.

If the OP thinks an illegal act has taken place they should start by reporting it to their local police. There is sweet f.a. that the local force will be able to do but without a formal crime report the OP's complaint may be disregarded as being malicious.

IF the OP wants to complain to the web host then that must be done direct not by posting in a public forum.

NOTE: I have no legal training and these comments do not constitute advice. The OP should consult a lawyer.

Re: MAJOR Grievances against the owners of

Report it

Re: Re: MAJOR Grievances against the owners of

Victim in Canada, alleged culprit in Bazil, web site hosted in Canada.
Report to FBI? I would have thought the RCMP more appropriate.

Re: MAJOR Grievances against the owners of

No. RCMP actually forwards to the FBI as they are the ones handling these situtions.

Re: MAJOR Grievances against the owners of

FBI handles Brazilian crimes in Brazil? OK, thank you for informing us.

I think Peter assumed you meant the US Federal Bureau of Investigation, which would clearly be quite absurd under the circumstances. The "B" obviously stands for Brazil or Brazilian, so what does "F" and "I" stand for?