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Re: Re: Bravenet Hosting Problem

> I'm not sure what you mean about making life difficult?

I just don't know why you want to switch the domain registration over from GoDaddy to Bravenet. It sounds expensive, when you have paid company "A" for something, to turn around and pay company "B" for the same thing. But maybe I'm missing something or confusing myself just because it's not something I would think of doing.

I looked at GoDaddy's help page for how to transfer a domain from them, and I assume you have already read it because it sounds like you have done what it says to do.

I haven't looked for Bravenet's help info on how to transfer a domain to them, but if you have already checked it out and you think you are doing what it says, then it must be time for you to open a ticket.

Re: Bravenet Hosting Problem

Ok, I seem to be confusing you. lol

I purchased my domain at GoDaddy. I did not pay for hosting. I was going to use Bravenet's Free Hosting since my site is only small and go from there.

This is all I am trying to do. (Host my domain(purchased at GoDaddy) through Bravenet using their services.

Re: Bravenet Hosting Problem

No, you have confused yourself. Or, the online help pages and menus of Bravenet have confused you.

In your first post here, you said:

"I have unlocked the domain, it has been over 60 days etc... but when I use the transfer option here at Bravenet, I always get an error message...."

If you have purchased a domain name at GoDaddy, and want to have the site hosted at Bravenet, there is no need to "unlock" or "transfer" anything.

Just follow the help pages at GoDaddy, that advise you how to use your Godaddy-purchased domain name with hosting elsewhere, and the help pages at Bravenet, they advise you how to use hosting at Bravenet with a domain name that was purchased (and registered) elsewhere.