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Problems to see my page in the web!

I can not see my page http://dudutattoo.brave,
I did all atualizations and updates, I was click in tab of web publishing and nothing.

I see my home in my brouser (pressing F5) but after a few hours, I only see on my site just Bravenet propragands and not to my texts and photos.
What happened? Bravrhost are in maintenance?
Please help me, or I will have to migrate to another free home page server . This problem has lasted one week!


Re: Problems to see my page in the web!

Be sure that you use the correct address. It seems that you have probably been trying to just type it in, and this can lead to errors. You typed it incorrectly, twice, in your message on this forum.

Here is the correct address (or "URL") of your site:

It's best to use copy-paste to share it with others.

While viewing your site, select its address from your browser's address bar, and use ctrl-c (on a PC) to copy it, go to the email or wherever you want to pass the message along, and use ctrl-v to paste it.

I see your page with no problems. I have not heard of any problem that could cause your site to deteriorate while you are trying to view it.

Any web host may have brief periods of maintenance or minor server problems. You are correct in coming here to ask your question. If no one else tells of a similar problem, it is probably something just affecting your own computer or Internet connection.