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Keep forum without Bravehost website?

I have a new website not associated with Bravehost....yes, a different server! *gasp* So sorry!

Anyway, I do like my forum here and would like to keep it. I know I can simply paste the link, but was wondering if I can continue to maintain just the Forum even if I delete the old website itself. In other words, will my account still be active, and will I be able to manage the message forum, if I actually click on the 'delete' button and totally erase the website?

Hope that is clear. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Re: Keep forum without Bravehost website?

Each service is totally free standing and any service in an account can be deleted without affecting the others.

Re: Keep forum without Bravehost website?

you do not have to have a website with bravenet you can have a website anywhere: geocities, google, or godaddy or freewebs and use bravenet services

you can have an account with just the services you want from bravenet like the guestbook, the forum etc and so forth

your account stays active until you delete it and all the services if you don't want them anymore.

Re: Keep forum without Bravehost website?

Wow! You guys are speedy! Thanks so much for that!! I thought so but was still a bit nervous to click the dreaded delete button! Muchos thanks!!
