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Re: Help with "page stacking" (PLEASE SEE)

just make your next page just like you made your first but make it all about cats

and name it cats.html and publish it

and it will show up in your navigation area of your site if you are using bravenet's wizard editor

or if you are designing your site yourself where you have your links section just make a text link to your cats page

same goes for your next page and so on....

Re: Help with "page stacking" (PLEASE SEE)

Well, I wanted the page to be connected to the other one. For example, if you were doing an online shop, and wanted to put a link for clothes, accessories, etc., but not as separate pages on the navigation panel.

Re: Help with "page stacking" (PLEASE SEE)

You still basically have to do what Phil has advised.

The only difference being that instead of including the page in the main menu links - you can create the page and put a text link in the body somewhere - it is up to you whether you want this to open in a new window or as a page change...

One note of caution - if you have too many pages like that - it may confuse people who are on your website - easy navigation is important - and usually, if you take some one away from the page to another - you need to allow them to click a link back if they want to go back where they were...

Re: Help with "page stacking" (PLEASE SEE)

These responses did not really clear up this same problem I am having. Please tell me how to create a page (step by step) that does not show up in the navigation bar.

Re: Help with "page stacking" (PLEASE SEE)

andray your links will show up in your navigation bar area because you are using the wizard

if you don't want pages in your navigation bar area then find a different editor and don't use the wizard

Re: Help with "page stacking" (PLEASE SEE)

I am not familiar with the phrase "page stacking". But what ever it is, your certainly not going to be able to do it from the Website Wizard.

Are you trying to have a large page with multiple sections, where a visitor can click a link an just go to that section? This can be done with a Anchor tag and a name attribute. At the beginning of each section you place a anchor tag with a name. For example, you might place the followin in the HTML code at the beginning of the Dogs section.


and then place the following at the beginning of the Cats section.


Then your links would look something like this:

Jump to the Dogs Section
Jump to the Cats Section

Or, are you talking about a frames based site, where you a skinny frame on your left has a menu and as you click your pages they are read into the wider frame on the right? This kind of thing can be done using frames or iframes. You create a single menu HTML page, and multiple target pages (cats.html and dogs.html). Then you create a frame set page that describes the frame sizes, positions, and content. Clicking on the links in the menu defines a page, and target for the page, which is the wider frame.

But frames and iframes can't be used on free sites. While they do work, they also cause the server to place advertisements in each frame. Usually this completely ruins the intent and renders the frames useless.

There are other methods, like storing your pages as Javascript files and writing them to a named

or , but that's even more complex than the first two I mentioned.

Does any of this sound close? Maybe a little more explanation would help.