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make box bigger

I need to make the box on the right bigger so it will hold the whole description. Can someone help with this?

Re: make box bigger

your probably limited to what you can put in the columns with your template

If you knew html and how to design could make the site the way you like and more

But if you put something bigger in the column it may interfere with other columns and your site look very unprofessional

so may just have to work best can with your template you chose

Re: make box bigger

{td valign="top" width="215" class="right"}
{div {class="righttitle"}{h3>Best pastries in town}/h3}{/div

try chaning your width to a larger number, until you get it where you want it, you may have to decrease the other td areas to make it work correctly.

Browser: Nightmare1158,4