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another domain redirect question

I don't know if I'm doing this correctly (plus, I'm a bit confused by some of the terms, so please forgive me).

I'm trying to redirect my new typepad site to my domain name hosted by bravenet. I *used* to have a blogger account that was redirected to that same URL, but I deleted that site and transferred all my content to my new typepad site.

Where exactly do I go to redirect typepad back to bravenet? I entered a typepad URL under the redirect section of my site, but I'm not sure if I'm "pointing" things in the right direction!

Also, I realize there's a delay before everything syncs up correctly and the redirect is complete. Just want to make sure I'm doing this right in the first place.

Thanks for your help!!!

The "points to" information from typepad:
The bravenet URL:

Re: another domain redirect question

Also, what does masking do, exactly? Will the typepad URL referenced above be masked if I choose this option, or will the main URL be masked.

Thanks again.

Re: another domain redirect question

Okay, more specific questions here. I've also submitted a support ticket, but REALLY hoping someone here can help, as I'm trying to get this working today.

To redirect my typepad account, do I go to:

(under Domain Manager)
- Add External Domain
- Setup Domain Redirection


(under the link for my URL under Manage Domain)
- Manage DNS
- Add CNAME record


I entered my Typepad URL under Domain Redirection, but am not sure if this means I'm "sending" my bravenet URL there.

When I attempt to create a new CNAME record (seems this was how I did this before with blogger), I don't know what to add in the host name window, which looks like:
host name: ____________.(myURL).com
Destination Host: ________________

Thank you!
