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2nd page link

Here we go again.
Now that the site is up and running I've begun to construct the site a little deeper. I've got several links and they work in the dreamweaver but when I upload I click on the links and get the message "The page cannot be found. Evidently I'm leaving out a step. Would this be a correct assumption?
Help w/b appreciated.

Re: 2nd page link

> Evidently I'm leaving out a step. Would this be a correct assumption?

Yes. You need to upload the pages (and images, etc.).

Re: 2nd page link

would I do this thru the file manager?
(or how??)
thank you
J. Cole

Re: 2nd page link

if you are using dreamweaver to make your site they have a built in ftp program so get your ftp parameters you need by logging in and clicking on the ftp tab

either way you have to use ftp to upload your files since you are not using the bravenet editors you are using your own like dreamweaver, frontpage, an html editor

Re: 2nd page link

i have also noticed a few of your links saying they are going to this and that page but they only go to your homepage

are you masking the URL or anything