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Re: my url

I thought I did. They offered a three month trial with free domain. I had to pay for that. My three monthts was to end on jan 28. Now i am told I need to pay again. I ordered .com but got .name instead. You mean you are telling me to read the plans. Please! I am not the only one having this trouble. I won't sign up again and i will certainly tell anyone else i know not to fool with brave net. I know now how it got its name.

No further replies from you or anyone else is necessary.

Re: my url

I have been using bravenet for over 2 years and I love it. I pay for my monthly hosting package and in addition, I have 5 years for my domain name here. If you have a problem, simply put in a support ticket and they will help you all they can. This is not the place to rant about a problem that the members can't solve for you, that is best done in support ticket with the powers that be that can do something to change your status or explain better what you paid for.

Browser: Nightmare1158,4

Re: my url

through all of this, have you contacted support by opening a support ticket number? the forums are just visitors (par one).