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Switch from Professional Hosting back to FREE hosting

My website expired. I would like to switch from professional hosting back to FREE hosting and I can't figure out how. Anyone have the answer?

Re: Switch from Professional Hosting back to FREE hosting

lol doubt they will let you do that cause they profit hungry and seem to just want you to pay for the service even though your given very little in return. i mean come on most their support is even from other users and not staff themselves. why? because frankly this hosting service sucks

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Re: Switch from Professional Hosting back to FREE hosting

the forums are not for the staff to respond

that is where the support tickets come in

the forums are for people to ask general questions and if other members know answer they respond.

if it is a tech issue then people need to open support tickets to bravenet

Re: Switch from Professional Hosting back to FREE hosting

psst i've had support tickets for several things in most cases it took them a week to even reply to the thing -.- and i still have least one that is unresolved but they closed the ticket. like I said their support sucks. :-)

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