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going round in circles

ok sorry for this it may be found elsewhere but atm im fed up, I have written my own html / css for the website it is far from done atm, the website is accessible by typing:

however if you type

it comes up no files how can i make my index.html my homepage so it automatically goes to that page without specifying? I've tried the wizard but all it seems to do is try to make compeletly irrelevant pages, and I am unable to use the files i have ALREADY uploaded everything i've tried just seems to be "click here to use such and such" "type your text here" I want to write this my own way using html codes is that to much to ask? sorry but im really fed up

Re: going round in circles

your webpage is index.html

there is NO difference in the two links you gave they are same site

Your page is purple with a brief few words of text and some links on left side of page

Re: going round in circles

works for me both ways.
using firefox for browser.
perhaps clear your cache or temporary browser files.

Re: going round in circles

odd... i use Firefox and one of my friends who is helping write some of the html who i believe uses IE still has to do /index.html... ill try clearing my cache

Re: going round in circles

works both ways in my IE as well.

Re: going round in circles

Its working now for me now, might just have been we were expecting it up to fast. thanks for the support.