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AM I the only one with this problem?

Is it just more or is bravenet having issues. Whenever I click the website tab to work on my websites it gives me a 404 error and says something about are you looking for someones page.

Re: AM I the only one with this problem?

Mine doesn't say that

Re: AM I the only one with this problem?

well don't see your link to know what your problem is and such

make sure you have uploaded your page properly and such too

but could try opening a support ticket as well in case something else is problem you are having and with your e-mail being yahoo jot down your ticket number to monitor it online because yahoo is one e-mail address that e-mails from the ticket system struggle to reach

Re: AM I the only one with this problem?


Everything is okay on this end - are you still having these problems?


Re: AM I the only one with this problem?

I fixed my problem... I was using the Opera browser and for whatever the reason that one tab would not work.