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Is There An FTP Issue?

I was in the middle of switching around some files when my ftp stopped, basically kicked me off and isn't letting me back in. Set the proxy to passive, it's no help. Adjusted the timeout setting to a much higher value, no help there either.

Okay, so thought I'd use the java applet via the host instead of my ftp client and it's not letting me in either.

Tried the new ftp28 and old ftp but not going anywhere with either.


Re: Is There An FTP Issue?

login and click the ftp tab to get your correct ftp information you need for ftp program you are using

you have to use what is there or else won't work

also your password and such is case sensitive so be careful there

Re: Is There An FTP Issue?

Don't think it's that simple of an answer. Have been ftping via smartftp without issue. Today it starts to hang repeatedly after the following code: [23:09:25] 200 PORT command successful
[23:09:25] LIST -aL
[23:09:26] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
Then it times out.

Sometimes, I can get to the files on the server via ftp, then it decides to kick me out again and I can't get back onto the server.

Have switched back and forth active to passive, switched my timeout settings. Basically, a several hour project is now undone and we're 15 hours into playing around with the ftp.

My firewall is XP...recommended by smartftp.

Re: Is There An FTP Issue?

open a support ticket