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I need to remove a bad message on our guestbook.
Problem is 2 fold
I am using the second webmaster in three years, the first webmasters does not have the passwords anymore. The second does not have passowrds or know how to edit guestbook.

Need some technical help on editing out or completely removing the guestbook


Browser: ??? I am a novice

Re: guestbook

that was your problem right there.

When you have an account here at bravenet it is under the control of the person who made it

if you give others access to your account or have someone else make the account THEY have to give you ALL access to it including the login and password and more

To remove a bad message from the bravenet guestbook you have you need to know the login for the bravenet account

NEVER NEVER let someone else have control with making your website and opening up the account and more somewhere WITHOUT THEM giving you the information that is needed and more so you can login/edit the site and more or any of the services they may have put on the site.

your only recourse now is to open up a support ticket and hopefully they can help you out and give you the login for the bravenet account if you have lost it

or you can do a lost password and hope it goes to the e-mail address these people have used with the account and that will put the login/password in that e-mail etc

Once you are logged in then you can edit the guestbook easy by clicking on webtools then the guestbook link and then the delete messages link or such there and check the box next to the message you want to delete and then hit submit or save then the message is deleted.

Then after that log out of the account and KEEP THE LOGIN INFORMATION SOMEWHERE where you WON'T LOSE IT again if YOU need it.

That is the Really BAD thing here because the webmasters you have could just decide not to help anymore delete the important information for logging in and more and that. Then you are left in the dark and more as is the case here now.