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Re: uploading

your index.html is supposed to be your main homepage

so that is what your homepage is saved as then you can edit it

depending on how you are making your site with bravenet's editors, your own???

you make links on your site and they link to files that will be on your website and uploaded to and make sure ALL links match correctly and file names Do NOT have spaces in their names or funny characters

Re: uploading

I partly understand. My question is---- I know how to link to a www site but how do I link to a site on my personal computer?

Re: uploading

What do you mean link to a site on your personal computer?

If you mean link to a file you can't - you have to upload it to the bravenet server...using file transfer protocol(ftp)...

Re: uploading

Thank you--- That's what I mean.
Not knowing what I'm doing,I'll keep going trial and error.

Re: uploading

Jack - you need to be logged into your account manager with Bravenet:




Tou will now see a kinda partitioned file screen - on the left navigate to your computer files - click the files you want to upload - if you have done it correctly you will see an arrow pointing in the direction of the transfer and a progress bar will display how your getting on with the transfer...

Dont forget you should be only uploading individual files - you can't work with zipped files doing this...

Hope this has helped....

Re: uploading

how do I place uploaded files on the page tha i want them??????

Re: uploading

Amber - it would be better to start a fresh thread than to resurect an 18 month old thread that may be about a slightly different problem.

A web page IS a file. You can embed one within another by using an iframe. You would have to edit the underlying html to do that.

I am not sure if that is what you meant to ask. You may be trying to create a link or put a picture on a page. Perhaps you could expand on your question.

Re: uploading

I am trying to put files that I have onto a certain page of my website I am building( I am very new to this) any help you could give me would be great (step by step) like I said I am very new to this and I have been told by a friend to look for a "help Link" but not sure what I am looking for could you help me