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getting my website on the internet

I have just signed up for a website with BRAVENET. I'm new to computers, so maybe I'm doing something simple wrong. And I can't get intouch with any bravenet people to sort out my problem. It has been 3 days since I sign up, and still no website!

When I went in the ftp page and downloaded all my files from my computer, it went OK, but nothing gets tranfered onto the webserver part of the window? Can anyone tell me why. I though you just download files then click on the right arrow to tranfer them onto the webhost! Please help, as this his blowing my mind I have only have 11 months, three weeks and four days to go before my contract runs out

Re: getting my website on the internet

ARe you using a Bravehost sub domain or your own domain name?

Re: getting my website on the internet

Hi Peter, At last I've got someone to talk to :-). Yes I'm using the domain name I bought from a company called TELIVO 2 days ago. I tried downloading all my files from the java ftp applet in bravenet without any success, until tonight, when only 8 files of 365 tranfered from the "your computer" side to the Web server side frame. Every time I click on the arrow pointing right, it says tranfering file 360 of 360 on the left side. Sorry, this is the only way I can express this as I am very new to computers. I saw some tranfering files on to a site years ago, and all he did was hightlight the files and presses the arrow pointng right, and presto! it was done. My head is about to explode with this. I have tried to find a phone number for Bravenet so that I could talk to someone personally.

Re: getting my website on the internet

when you download files you are downloading them to YOUR COMPUTER

since you say you purchased a domain a couple days ago hopefully you signed up for the hosting to have it here at bravenet

not sure if your site is fully propogated and that yet so you can start building it as well

you may see files there in your file manager area but You have to make your page and publish it and all and upload your pages depending on how you make your page and more depends on how you get it on the net and more

also using the ftp applet of bravenet's isn't the best of things to use either.

Would have an ftp program of some kind on your computer so you can use that.

But as said a lot of things depend on HOW YOU make your site when it is propogated enough to start working on and more things too

you have not given a URL to your site for sure to fully know what is happening and all either.

But so many things here and since you have no clue yet on things just need to take things

One thing at a time

Re: getting my website on the internet

Michael - first of all you wont see a website unless and until you have a file named:


This file HAS to be on the bravenet server (in your little space).

I always use the applet and have no problems with it - and if as you say you managed to tranfer 8 files - it ought to be able to do the rest of them (are they in an acceptable format?)

The other thing you could do - if you have the html code for your index page on your computer you could copy and paste into the bravenet test editor - then use the upload images facilty to upload your images - it's long winded but better than being frustrated ... and doing nothing

Re: getting my website on the internet

That should be

Bravenet TEXT editor and not TEST editor