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Subdomain Setup

How do I create subdomains within Bravenet? Or, better yet, can I create subdomains in Bravenet?

Re: Subdomain Setup

click website tab
click build a website
click use a subdomain
type a name with NO SPACES or funny characters in it

then hit submit and if available you will be taken to your file manager area for your site and you can start building

if you want the free site that is

Re: Subdomain Setup

If you have your own domain name and are a premium member, you create your subdomain with that account

ie is a subdomain of which is a premium account.

You can have up to 10 Domains on a premium account for just $12.00 a month, Much less if you are willing to pay for it long term. With a Years hosting package you pay $199.00 and you get the domain name for free.

5 Years $4.99 $299.00 Save $421.00!

This is an awesome deal and you don't have to worry about monthly payments or yearly renewal of your domain name. If you arent a premium member, I strongly suggest you become one.


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