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Hosting Etc.

I have been giving bravenet a trial run under the free hosting and I am pretty pleased so far. I am thinking about upgrading to the premium service, but now that I have my pages uploaded I was wondering is there going to be broken links when I upgrade? since bravenet will drop the I also have a domain name that I would need to transfer and I really do not know how to go about doing it. Is there anything else I will need to know before I upgrade my service? Thanks so much !!

Re: Hosting Etc.

There is no link between the use of a domain name and premium hosting.

I can't help on the mechanics as my domain is hosted elsewhere but check out Courtnie's posts as that has been covered before.

Re: Hosting Etc.

if your links are "relative" instead of "absolute" then you should be ok.


if your link goes to
then as pages stay in the same place to each other, it will still find it.

if your link goes to
then that will have to be fixed to find the page in the newer corrected place.

Re: Hosting Etc.

I love Bravenet Pro. I have been using it for a couple of years now, and I design sites for other people so I always recommend Bravenet.

You won't necessarily have to "transfer" your site, but I would recommend it.

If you need help with any issues, contact me on Yahoo nightmare1158 and I will help all I can, I do know a bit about the workings of the site, although I am not anything but a user here.


Browser: nightmare1158,4