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Cannot Use link exchange

I've been trying to submit my website to link exchanges but they say my site has a popup. My browser blocked the popup so I was not aware my code has popup code in it, but I am unable to locate my HTML which activates a popup. How can I tell which part of the HTML is a popup to remove it? I keep trying to get traffic but no body likes my site because of popups. Thanks!

Re: Cannot Use link exchange

depends on if you have free hosting or paid hosting.

free hosting = advertising.

paid hosting = no advertising.

Re: Cannot Use link exchange

you have the free site so YOU WILL Have pop ups/banners with your site

so link exchange could be out

perhaps find a place where they don't have the banners on top of your site and such and may not have the pop ups either.

only way won't have the banners and such on your site at bravenet is to UPGRADE your hosting

You can't remove the pop up with the free site