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External Domain Name


i just recently purchased my domain name from yahoo..
now im looking for web hosting..
someone referred me this bravenet that gives free hosting..
my plan is to take free web hosting for the meantime, until i feel comfortable with the system. Then i will apply for subscription..

i saw from FAQ no.9 that i dont need to transfer my external domain name to use Bravenet's web hosting..

9. Do I have to transfer my domain name account in order to use Bravenet's web site hosting?
No! You don't have to transfer your domain name account in order to use our web site hosting.

If you decide you do not want to transfer your domain name, we will provide the correct settings to change at your domain registrar for your pro website hosting service.

Some of the reasons why you should transfer your domain name to Bravenet are:

- To simplify all of your accounts. Your domain name, website hosting, and web tools will all be in the same account.
- Your current registrar is too expensive.
- Your current registrar does not offer the features or services that you can receive at Bravenet.
- You are not happy with the maintenance tools provided by your current registrar.

So, how I will gonna do this?

any input will be highly appreciated..


Re: External Domain Name

have you signed up for the free hosting then yet?

Re: External Domain Name

5 Years $4.99 $299.00 Save $421.00!

This is an awesome deal, it also includes a domain name. If you transfer your domain to brave host it will cost you $8.95 to do so.

The benefit to hosting with bravenet is great.
You can link to your external site with simple changes to your dns, which I will be glad to walk you through if you contact me on Yahoo Messanger. Also, with paid hosting you can use PHP, CSS and much more that you will not be able to get with the free hosting.

Trust me when I tell you, it is much better to pay as much as $12.00 a month for your hosting than to use the free service, it has much much more to offer.

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